
One Hit Wonder Karaoke

be the star

This Karaoke is expertly hosted to make your guests the star! We offer thousands of your favorite current and retro songs to choose from. Your event will include upscale electronic equipment and wireless microphones. Participants take home an audio CD of their performance. Custom CDs can be created with your company logo or sponsor. Songs books can also be accessed from your digital smartphone.



Star In Your Own Music Video

Video definitely killed the radio star in this fun performance based activity. We take generic Karaoke and super-size it into Make Your Own Music Video! With the use of chroma-key technology, we merge you into moving video while you sing your song. Maybe you can't sing, but we bet you will be someone's backup dancer! We create a DVD for each performance to take home. DVDs can be customized with a company logo to further brand your event.

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